• Ingredient: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
  • Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
  • Brand Name: Clenbuterol
  • Category: Asthma
  • Clenbuterol 40 mcg (100 tabs) Dragon Pharma
  • Item price: $0.43

Before you buy Clenbuterol (Dragon Pharma) - Read

The drug Clenbuterol (Dragon Pharma) presented on the current page of our store was originally created for the treatment of bronchial asthma, although today its name is better known in the field of bodybuilding and you can find a person in any gym who is taking or taking Clenbuterol tablets to increase the effectiveness their workouts.

How does Clenbuterol (Dragon Pharma) work?

Once in the body, the active substance of the drug stimulates the functioning of beta-adrenergic receptors, which is why the body stores the fat deposits in it as energy needed for training. Thus, a fat burner is great for athletes during the drying period, because with this drug you can train longer and more hard, getting more prominent muscles, which is what all visitors to gyms want to achieve.

Taking the drug affects the acceleration of metabolism (at a level of about 30-35%), and this fact also perfectly affects the indication for use of this drug during the "drying" period. In addition, the drug affects the increase in lipoprotein lipase activity. In view of this, after taking Clenbuterol, subcutaneous fat does not accumulate again.

Also, athletes who decide to buy Clenbuterol can also count on an increase in the secretion of thyroid hormones, which also affect the process of fat burning in the body.

Clenbuterol (Dragon Pharma) in the gym and its properties

The drug is great for bodybuilders, and many professionals from this industry choose it because it can not only effectively burn subcutaneous fat, but also reduce your appetite, increase the overall tone of the body, and also increase the relief of muscle mass.

It is impossible not to mention that amateur athletes also often use Clenbuterol in training, because you can simply lose weight with it. Which also gives reason to use Clenbuterol for women.

It is also important that the drug also carries some anabolic effect, that is, to some extent affects muscle building. Naturally, you can’t build up a mountain of muscles with it, but it’s quite possible to maintain your body in excellent condition after a mass-gaining course with Clenbuterol.

Clenbuterol Admission Method (Dragon Pharma)

The first thing you need to know for those who decide to buy Clenbuterol is that the duration of use of this drug can last no more than 6 weeks. It depends on the fact that after 2 weeks of taking the drug, the sensitivity of the receptors will significantly decrease, and the initial effect will be less pronounced over time.

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Although, there is a way to solve this issue. For this, it is recommended that Ketotifen (with a dosage of 1 to 2 mg) be taken along with Clenbuterol. By the way, Ketotifen will also help protect yourself from possible side effects at the beginning of the course.

The course of the drug begins with a minimum dose of 20 mcg, the next day the dose should already be twice as much, i.e. 40 mcg, another day 60 mcg, until it reaches the level prescribed by a specialist, usually at 120 mcg for men and not more than 40 mcg for women. At the same time, in the last week of the course, Clenbuterol should also be taken gradually reducing the dose of 20 mcg per day, but at an initial level, after which the course can be completed.

Clenbuterol (Dragon Pharma): Performance Reviews

The fat burner, called Clenbuterol, can rightly be called the most popular drug in the field of sports pharmacology, which today. In particular, Clenbuterol manifests itself most efficiently during the drying period, because the fat with this drug is burned especially efficiently. The strength for training with Clenbuterol also appears, which is especially true for those athletes who strictly adhere to the diet and use a low-carb diet for drying.

The most important advantage of Clenbuterol in this case is that at the end of the course, the burned kilograms of body fat do not return.

The price of the drug with all this is always at an affordable level, and everyone can afford such a purchase.

Reviews of doctors and athletes

One of the famous experts in sports nutrition, Alexander Slavuta, talks about the effectiveness of Clenbuterol, which has found its wide application as a drug and as an indispensable assistant for bodybuilders.

Doctors say the drug is very effective, because it helps to expand the airways and reduce the symptoms of shortness of breath. It is used by athletes as a powerful fat burner, since it activates metabolism, reduces the volume of adipose tissue, and suppresses appetite.

Clenbuterol, despite its weak anabolic properties, helps to burn excess fat very well, achieving a dried and precise relief, clear muscles, and bodybuilders can show themselves in the best shape.

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